December 2, 2015

North Carolina - Day Three

Christian is the lone morning person in our family. Every morning he wakes up early, full of energy and ready to go. But this morning he woke up at 7 and began to cry, "why is it morning? I want it to still be night. I'm tired." Oh my sweet boy. That is how I feel every morning. I told him that even though it was morning he could still go back to sleep for a little bit. He slept for another hour and a half! 

I wish I could have enjoyed our lazy morning but today we were off to Edventure! We discovered it earlier this year when we were here with Colin. As soon as the boys heard we were coming back to North Carolina they wanted to return to see Eddie, the giant boy. But since he was a hundred miles away in Columbia, South Carolina, we had to get an early start. 

Three boys in front of Eddie
Christian is crushed by Eddie
Will in front of Eddie

Edventure is the best children's museum. Each area is so well done and very entertaining and educational. Eddie is probably the boys' favorite, and they kept coming back to him. Being able to climb inside is such a great way to reinforce learning about the body! The real fire truck is another favorite and Christian and Jon wasted no time in trying on the coats and sliding down the pole. 
Christian down the fire pole
Jon slides down the pole

Jon drives a fire truck
There were a lot of details that I hadn't noticed the first time we were here. The scanners in the marketplace actually scan items and list their price and the total which might not mean anything to the younger children but is really cool for the older ones. The firetruck has a projection on the windshield so that children can really drive it down the street. But the coolest thing we discovered was the working crane in the building section. Jon loved it! He kept going back for a turn to control the crane. 

Christian goes shopping
Jon and Christian use the crane
Christian takes care of his doggie
In place of the Mr. Potato head exhibit upstairs there was now a world of snow. Kids could climb an icy mountain, play hockey, shoot "snow"balls at each other, build a tower of ice, and go tubing down a slide. I was amused at how much my New England boys enjoyed this section! Christian shrieked with joy as he slid down the hill in his tube. It occurred to me that it has been years since we went tubing and we should take them all again this year. I also think this should be the year to introduce the boys to their first hockey game. 

Christian climbs the mountain
Will slides down the hill

Christian playing hockey
Across the hall from all the "snow" we found a robot exhibit. All three of the boys were able to build little robots out of interlocking cubes. Jon took his really seriously and built really cool robots with different sensors. Christian enjoyed the robots and wanted to pile on as many blocks as possible. Then he'd get all worried because the wheels weren't strong enough to push so many cubes. But he was very focused and wanted to do it all himself.

Christian learns about the mouth
Will operates
Christian wants to be in the dentist's chair
We spent four and a half hours at Edventure and the boys would have been happy to stay longer. But we had a long drive home and I wanted to get out of Columbia before rush hour. We still didn't get home until 6:30 but that did give James some quiet time to study. I was so exhausted when we got home but the kids still had energy to burn (how??) so James took them down to the pool while I took a nap. They had the pool all to themselves so they were able to do tons of cannon balls into the water.

Jon shows off the pizza he made
Will builds a town
The boys are back and in bed and it is time for me to turn in too. It was a long but fun day. Goodnight!

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