April 20, 2017

Disney Day Five - The Animal Kingdom

This morning was awful. My morning started with a fight with Christian over whether or not he would get dressed and then what clothes he would wear. I also made Will and Jon cry by not allowing them to wear shirts with stains on them. Things got worse from there. We were late into the park and desperately trying to get to Noel and her group before our first fast pass ran out. Although we had a bright spot when Will was allowed to be the tram announcer and use the loudspeaker twice! That was pretty awesome. 

Cute Christian
Another Mustang to feed Christian's obsession

We finally made it to Noel at the Mt. Everest ride but by the time we got there Christian was completely melting down. So James stayed out with him while the rest of hurriedly got in line. The Everest coaster is fast and fun, if a little shaky. But it goes backwards for one part and that scared Will. I wish I had remembered to warn him!

Christian gets a ride
After the ride we met up with James and tried to figure out our plans which had unexpectedly changed. I was still in a terrible mood from this morning and grumpy about the change in plans but I was trying hard to fix my attitude. Christian was much better though and he took my camera and explored the area we were in trying to take pictures of flowers and birds. And then, just as we had finished figuring things out, Jon fell. I didn't realize at first that it was him but a kind man saw him fall and helped out. Jon had hurt his leg and badly bruised his ear. There was a scrape on his ear and the whole top of it was purple. Thankfully Noel was prepared and had antibacterial cream and children's Tylenol on hand. After a little time Jon was fine and was ready to move on. He soon forgot about his injury but his ear continued to look awful all day long.

Christian's picture of Aunty Diana
Christian's picture of a bird in flight
Christian's picture of flowers
Despite the fall, after this things started to improve and we actually had a really wonderful time the rest of the day. Our next stop was The Lion King Show and once again I was surprised and impressed. It was an excellent show with tumblers, acrobats, and dancers who were all wonderful to watch. I think the Little Mermaid show could learn a thing or two from the Lion King. It was really very impressive and a lot of fun.

Ape crossing

After that it was time for lunch and I was once again thankful that the kids and James are so cheerfully eating packed lunches. Especially as I ate the world's most expensive hot dog. Another thing I am very thankful for is that we are traveling lightly and James is carrying our backpack. I hate carrying even a small bag or purse so his carrying our food and water has been a huge blessing to me. Every time I have been on a ride I have appreciated him too since I haven't had to worry about stowing or storing anything.

Anyway, after lunch we went on the Kali River Rapids ride which was so much fun. We were all horribly hot so we were looking forward to getting a little splashed on the river raft ride. At first the ride was typical, fun and bouncy as we spun down the river. And then we went down the waterfall. I was facing forward so I got to see the huge wall of water that towered above our raft before it crashed down and drenched everyone except for me and Christian. Soaked does not begin to cover it and at least four of us were squelching for hours afterwards. It was fantastic!

Soaking wet!

Riley and Christian

Wet and dripping our next stop was the jungle trek to see bats and lizards. The tiger exhibit was empty though since they were out participating in the breeding program but we had a good time anyway. The first animal we saw was a Komodo dragon and Jon, Riley, Noel, and I spent a lot of time learning about it and about the tigers. Jon was very curious and had some questions for the lady who was there. At first he wanted to know if their bite was poisonous which is how we learned that it was fatal because of the bacteria in their mouths. Then when Jon heard that they were immune to any bacteria themselves he asked if they were also immune to the zombie virus. The woman was very confused.

Working on a rubbing
Working to get his badge
As we walked through Christian was fascinated by the many skeletons displayed and kept asking the Disney members if he could have them. He insisted that the tiger skull would look better if it was missing a tooth and tried in vain to get them to give him one. Will also did his part to portray our family as weird when he told another worker there that he was a werewolf. "Is that good?" she asked.

Christian's picture of a lizard
My silly boys
After that it was off to Dinoland where we first went on the Dinosaur ride. When we were here three years ago Christian was too little to go on the ride so he was very excited. It was an excellent ride and all the kids loved it. They also enjoyed the Primeval Whirl coaster although Christian was still too short to ride that one. Then we all had ice cream before going over to the African Safari.

Nana and the kids on Primeval Whirl
A short fast drop
Diana and the boys
Going down!

The Safari ride was amazing! Not only did we see a ton of animals but they were really close and fairly active. We had to stop for over five minutes to wait for a giraffe that had stopped in the middle of the road just a few feet away from our truck. We could have reached out and touched it. We also got really close to some rinos and an ostrich, although my previous experience with a grumpy ostrich has made me rather nervous around them. 

Nana, Jon, and Diana on the Safari
Baby Elephant!
A giraffe walking next to our truck
Giraffes by the road

At one point in our safari tour we crossed a bridge that was designed to shake a bit while the driver pretended that it was going to break. Christian believed it and it actually made him nervous. For the rest of the drive he kept bringing it up saying things like "You shouldn't have gone over that bridge!" Finally I explained to him that it was just a ride and then he was fine.

Alligators in the sun
White Rino
On the lookout for animals

For dinner we ate at the Rainforest Cafe. Noel and the kids didn't join us for this because they wanted to do something else but we had already promised the kids we'd eat there and Will was really excited. As we were walking past the restaurant this morning he exclaimed "Look! That's my natural habitat for food!" Because he is a werewolf, obviously. The food though was good and we had a pleasant meal.

We had heard about the lightshow but after a quick and unanimous vote we decided to head home for a swim instead. I stayed behind while James took the boys down to the big pool. They found some other kids to play with and James caused trouble by teaching the kids how to build a giant tower out of tubes. At one point James was playing with Christian who, in his usual fashion, was jumping on James and attacking him with tubes and water. A young girl approached and asked "Is he five?" When James said yes she paused and then said "she's five", indicating her sister who had been floating quietly in her tube for the past half hour. 

The boys all came home tired and happy and bedtime went very well. Now it is time for me to follow their example. Have a good night!

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