May 17, 2021

Alabama days 9, 10, & 11 - The long road home

Well I did not get a lot of sleep Friday night so Saturday morning was a little rough. But we'd done enough work Friday that we could wake up late and still get everything done in plenty of time. Chris and Sava were long gone but Joyful went out to buy breakfast while Xenaz helped us with the last of the cleaning. But all too soon it was time to hit the road again. I was sad to leave, I will miss all of them!

We didn't leave early and we pretty quickly lost an hour once we returned to Eastern time. This time we are going home by a Northern route through Kentucky and up to Niagara Falls. On the way we stopped at Dinosaur World in Kentucky because James can't resist a good bad roadside attraction. He loves them. 

A dinosaur with bad acne

The boys were not at all impressed. But they patiently put up with pictures. Ok... I did have to bribe them a bit. 

Is Jon practicing his smolder? Or just annoyed by the camera?


This dino looks like he is also ready for a slap fight.

Forcing Jon to take a picture with me

Since we expected delays on this first day we had booked a hotel for Columbus, OH which was about 9 hours from our VRBO. This hotel was SO much better than the disasters we had on the drive down. And it was maybe $20 more. It was such a wonderful relief! Unfortunately we arrived after the pool had closed. But that was alright since it had already been a long day. 

I know it is a terrible picture...

This hotel was also in a nice area so James was able to grab pastries for breakfast at a French cafĂ© next door (he was so happy). And after a good night's sleep we hit the road again. It was a short(ish) drive up to Niagara Falls and we arrived mid afternoon. That gave us plenty of time to explore the park and falls a bit before dinner. The last time we were here on the American side was in 2013 when Christian was so little. (I really need to update those old blogs so you can see his cute face!)

Top of the falls

There wasn't much of a crowd at all, although that might be because it was a Sunday night. Canada looked even more empty. Alas we were too late to do the Cave of the Wind. James missed it last time because Christian was too little to go. Next time! 

Christian was having a bit of a hard time. He really didn't want to leave the house on Saturday, he wasn't ready for the vacation to be over. But James gave him the camera and that helped. I think next time we travel we should get him his own little camera so he can take pictures of things that interest him. We asked him to take a picture of us by the falls and as we were posing he told us to "do the romance thing" before he took the picture. 

Getting the shot at the top of the falls

Embarrassed to be in front of the camera

He climbed up on a fallen tree to get the shot he wanted

This is a field on a little island between the falls

Christian and Daddy bonding over photography

Christian caught a duck in flight

Christian's picture of James
"Do the romance thing"

My little hooligans

The rapids at the top of the falls were quite impressive

Christian's picture of Jon taking a picture of this Redwing Blackbird

I think we are a bit late in the season but we still got to see some beautiful flowering trees in the park. James took these pictures for his mom because we knew she would appreciate them.
We miss you Camille!

Me and my boys

After the kids fell asleep James and I slipped out for a walk. Although we did wake up poor Will first so he could keep an eye on his sleeping brothers. I still think the Canadian side has the better view of the falls but they are beautiful at night. And the rapids on our side are beautiful and powerful. I love all the lights on the water. Coming back we circled the hotel a couple time because it was just so nice to have time alone to talk. 

The rapids at night

Canada from across the water

The falls lit up

With no plans on Monday we slept and had a quiet morning before getting back in the car. I wasn't feeling well at all so poor James had to drive all day. We drove back through Vermont on the way home and it was clear that spring hadn't fully finished in the mountains yet because the trees still only had buds if that. But it is a pretty drive and it was a nice break from the interstate. 

It was a wonderful trip but I am happy to be home. Hopefully though it won't be too long before I can see my friends again. And we do have a couple small trips planned this year (yay!) so I will see you next time. Thank you for reading!

May 14, 2021

Alabama Day 8 - Lake Guntersville

"Avast ye dogs! Lower the main and batten down the hatches!" Some of the games we've been playing this week had us talking like pirates and we've spent a good deal of time singing sea shanties as well. But since the High Seas are too far away, Chris rented us a pontoon boat to take out on nearby Lake Guntersville. And what a gorgeous and perfect day it was!

Christian is excited about the boat

Sava and Joyful reenact a scene from Titanic
while listening to a metal version of My Heart Will Go On. 

Hanging out in the back of the boat

We set sail down the Tennessee river to reach the large lake. The kids were excited to be on the boat as were we all. And of course Joyful lead us all in a few rounds of What to do with a Drunken Sailor. The most popular song this week was very catchy and would have been perfect if not for the presence of the kids. We ended up listening to and singing quite a few songs on the way out and back. Joyful even danced!

   Joyful dances a jig

Chris was incredibly kind and let all the kids take turns driving the boat, for quite a long time! Christian was overly excited the first time and couldn't keep his hands off the throttle. And of course he did a donut right away. But the second time he drove he was great! Careful and responsible. Jon also did a fantastic job and drove for quite a while, taking us underneath one of the bridges too. I was impressed with all the boys and really want to rent a boat this summer! (I also wish the guys would come out to NH so we could all go out on Lake Winnipesaukee.) 

Christian was so excited to drive!

Jon's turn to drive

The kids all wore their bathing suits but it was a little chilly on the boat despite the sun and only Christian wanted to swim. The water too wasn't as clear as our lakes with a fair amount of plant life floating around. Christian however desperately wanted to jump in and was begging for anyone to go in with him. Joyful acquiesced and they both dove in!

Joyful and Christian go for a dip

Me and Joyful on the ride home

Will and Jon spent a good deal of time reading on the boat

Sava and Xenaz

Jon is cold! He's always cold

On the ride back to the dock Xenaz's hat flew off into the water! Christian and Joyful were both willing to jump back in to retrieve it but after circling back with some skillful driving Chris was able to get us near enough to grab it. 

Christian watching for a chance to grab Xenaz's hat

Watching for the hat

Freitag boys in the back of the boat

Chris had rented the boat for the whole day but after 3 or 4 hours Will and Jon were ready to be done and we thought it would be good for the guys to have some adult time too. So they dropped us back at the dock and set sail again for more adventure. James and I took the kids home and that gave us plenty of time for a swim, a nap (for me), and a chance to wash and pack up most of our stuff in preparation for the drive tomorrow. 

When the guys got home they were only a tiny bit sunburned. Sava was in charge of dinner tonight and he had spent last night preparing the pizza dough. He made us the most wonderful stuffed crust pizza I've ever had. (James says it was Chicago style deep dish which I am not familiar with.) Normally I don't find homemade pizza particularly impressive but this was amazing! The kids were enthralled and Christian in particular was effusive in his delight. It was a huge hit but wow was it also filling!

We were all pretty tired and tomorrow is going to be long so no one stayed up very late. But I got to go out for a walk with Sava and it was really nice to talk. He and Chris are leaving super early tomorrow so I won't get to say goodbye to them then. It was a good last day of a great trip and I am so happy that we got to do this.