May 28, 2016

Iceland Day 3 - Waterfalls

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands." (Psalm 19:1) This verse was echoing in my head all day, I felt that it could have been written for Iceland. Although, technically "heavens" and "skies" should be replaced with "waterfalls" and "mountains" None of our pictures do it justice but the beauty of this place makes my soul sing.
Rainbow under Seljalandsfoss waterfall 
Gljúfrabúi waterfall
Our initial plan was to make a long drive down the coast today but jet lag is catching up to us. The fact that it never gets truly dark is not helping me adjust and the endless twilight gives way to bright sun at 4am. Because of this we are on a very late schedule here and once again didn't all get up until after 10. But we were much more efficient and got on the road (with all our gear just in case!) before noon.

We started off down the coast hoping to find a waterfall or two before we had to head home. The drive was beautiful. The sun was finally out and we could see snow covered mountains in the distance. There were more cars on the road too, sometimes as many as five at a time! While we were still miles away we saw the waterfall Seljalandfoss, just a bright silver line on the mountainside. Our excitement grew as we came closer and saw that there were three waterfalls all in the same area and a road leading up the mountain behind them.

Three waterfalls
Learning from our experience at Gullfoss we all put on our rain coats and pants before heading up to see the waterfall. On the walk up to the falls we walked by a little stream which instantly captivated the boys. Christian especially could have spent the whole day throwing rocks into the water.

Christian and Jon by the stream
Christian loves throwing rocks
James by the waterfall
The boys heading to the waterfall

Fish eye view
When we came close to the waterfall we saw a beautiful rainbow at the base of the fall. Will was so excited but just as I went to take a picture the sun hid behind a cloud and the rainbow disappeared. It played hide and seek a few more times but finally we were able to pin it down. It was the most beautiful sight and filled me with joy.

Rainbow falls
Our family under the waterfall
A bird flies over the waterfall
Will was so excited to see the rainbow

There was a path leading up behind the waterfall and I was thankful for our hiking boots because it was very slippery. The boys had seen the end of the rainbow and they wanted to hurry along to find the pot of gold at the end. But was too full of wonder to rush and made them all wait. It was hard to get pictures here because the spray from the waterfall quickly covered our cameras and made everything blurry. David got right up close to the smaller part of the fall and was enjoying the view when a sudden gust of wind put him directly under it! He was drenched! But he is a good sport

Behind the waterfall
David behind the fall
James behind the waterfall

We all had a great time exploring behind Seljalandfoss (which I have no idea how to say) and since it was a safer waterfall than Gullfoss the boys had some freedom to roam. Will and Jon were unsuccessful in finding the pot of gold but they were still eager to explore the field and waterfalls down the road.

Christian behind the waterfall. He didn't mind getting wet!
David and the boys exploring
My handsome brother.
We started down the path to the next fall but were quickly distracted by a small stream and some beautiful flowers. Jon had to take some pictures of the flowers and even picked me one for my hair. He is such a sweet boy. 

Jon's picture of flowers
Another Jon picture. He loved these flowers
Jon picks a flower for me
My sweet son
A little farther down the path, partly hidden from view, was a small waterfall on the top half of the mountain. David wanted a picture so he headed up the steep hill to get a closer look. The boys wanted to go up too but we said no at first until we found a muddy track going up the side. We followed it up and through a broken gate to the small stream on the side of the mountain. Near the top but still below my family I was struck by a sudden sense of vertigo. I couldn't go up, I couldn't look down, I was dizzy but too afraid to move. I did not expect it because normally I am the one always looking for the next adventure and wanting to climb or explore. James encouraged me to come sit down near the water and slowly my fear passed. While we waited the boys took a drink from the flowing stream and declared it the best water they had ever tasted.

We climbed to the little waterfall on the left

Climbing the hill
David and the boys near the high waterfall

The wide river seen from the top of the hill
Will was determined to continue up the path which wound around up the mountain. But it went by a sheer cliff and James and David vetoed the idea. Will was devastated.but by the time we reached the field below he was cheerful again. I made it down more slowly than my family but moving was much easier than sitting still and thinking about how high we were. I don't know why it came over me because this was exactly the type of adventure I had been looking for!

View from the top
Heading down the hill
Icelandic House. This reminded us of my dad.
We continued down the path on the way to the last waterfall. On the way we found a couple
small caves and the foundations of an old house. Will was convinced that he saw a British redcoat at the top of the mountain so the boys alternated between playing Revolutionary War and playing the Phantom vs. the Singh brotherhood.

The boys really love Uncle David

Christian bonks his head in a little cave
The boys playing in the field
Will enters a cave

Jon drinks from a stream

Christian plays with the rocks

At the end of the path we came to the coolest waterfall. It is hard to believe after the spectacular glory of Seljalandfoss but I think the Gljufrabui waterfall was even more exciting. This waterfall falls into a high walled canyon, almost a cave with just a small opening at the top. To get to it we had to wade through the river between the canyon walls. It was like entering a pirate's cave or a secret world. The waterfall was beautiful and filled the whole cave place with spray so once again it was hard to get a good picture. There were not many people here which was just as well since there wasn't much room inside and you could only go through the entrance in single file. 
David and the boys at the base of the waterfall
The entrance to the cavern

Inside the canyon
David under another waterfall
James coming out of the canyon

We left Gljufrabui waterfall completely satisfied, very happy, tired, and in David's case very wet. After a quick drink in the stream (I've never drunk from a mountain stream before!) we headed to our car through the field in front of the mountain. The boys ran and jumped doing somersaults and racing each other through the field. When we came to the little brooks Will and Jon jumped over easily and James and I took turns throwing Christian. He loved being thrown so much he would beg us to do it again and again. 

Christian in the field
The boys playing in the field
Daddy throws Christian
Mommy throws Christian
David gets the shot
When we reached the car we were all pretty tired but I wasn't quite ready to head home yet. Will still wanted to climb a mountain ("You said we could hike! All we did today was walk!") and I wanted to check out the road going up the mountain. We had tried unsuccessfully to find a road going up the mountains near our house so I didn't want to let this one pass me by. We started up the gravel road and quickly realized that it was a much steeper road than we had originally thought. 
Will loved these huge tires
Jon takes a picture
Mountains in the distance

I don't know how far we would have gone but when rounding a corner we found a car getting a tire fixed. The truck that was there to help was blocking the other side of the road and we didn't feel comfortable driving over the large rocks off the road so we turned around and started back. We stopped though while we were still high up so that we could enjoy the view and so that Will and I could go for a little hike. James, Jon, and Christian drove down the road to wait for us while David went to explore a stream and take a picture of the little waterfall he found.

Will wants to hike...
...this mountain

 Will and I crossed the stream and I ended up getting my boots completely wet. We wandered over the mountain losing each other over each little rise and finding each other again. Will filled up his water bottle from the stream and was so happy that he had water "bottled at the source". 

Mommy and Will on the mountainside
Hiking with my son
Will is happy with his bottled water
David's little waterfall turned out to be rather big, about the size of Gljufrabui and also only accessible by wading through the stream and into a canyon. He found a secret waterfall in the mountains!! How cool is that? I was disappointed that I didn't get to see it but we have plans to come back and all go exploring. We had wandered too long and it was time for us to head back home.

River stream
water falling
David's secret waterfall
Our drive back was easy and we arrived home exhausted, wet, and happy. David relaxed on the couch but the rest of us immediately piled into the hot tub. It was so nice to relax after all our walking! The kids though still had lots of energy and kept jumping out of the hot tub and running up the hill in our backyard so they could cool off. Then they would run back and jump right in. After a while James went in to make supper but I stayed out a little longer playing "Hi, my name is Joe" and the hokey pokey with the kids. 

My boys in the hot tub
Will loved the water
The boys high on the hill getting cold
Christian loves the water
Today was an amazing day, exactly what I was hoping this trip would be. I am in love with Iceland and can't get enough of its wild beauty. Already I want to revisit the places I've seen and there is still so much more to explore! But I have to get to bed. Tomorrow we are going to the capital and I have to try to get some sleep. 

David's picture of the flowers and waterfalls. I love it!


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