July 5, 2013

Fireworks on the Beach

  Today was the last day of our Independence Day celebrations and it finished with a bang.  (see what I did there?)  James had to work in the morning and the boys and I spent most of the day trying to stay cool since it was in the mid nineties and very humid.  But after nap we all headed to Short Sands Beach in Maine for a family get together and fireworks.  We were joined by my parents, Camille, my brother Joe and his wife Elisa, James' friend Bob and his daughter Hannah and finance Amber.

Joe and Elisa
Relaxing on the beach
Bob and Amber
The fireworks barge

Short Sands Beach
   We got to the beach around 4:30 which was perfect because the people who had been at the beach all day were leaving so we were able to get a good parking space.  It was still ridiculously hot and as soon as we put sunscreen on the boys we headed down to the water.  The tide was out and to get to the ocean we had to traverse a wide stretch of very painful rocks.  I thought the ocean was supposed to wear down rocks until they are smooth but all of these had very sharp sides.

Cold water!

Jon heads in

Hannah on the beach

Charlie watches the waves


  Will and Jon ran eagerly down to the water and just as quickly ran out again.  The water was freezing!!  Fortunately there was a large tide pool that the boys which was much warmer.  I was the only one to brave the water and actually go swimming.  I don't know why every one else stayed out, once your body goes numb it isn't that bad.  :-)

running into the water

Jon and Hannah running up the beach

Me and Will in the water

Will in the waves

  We had brought a picnic dinner and we all just hung out on the beach talking and watching the kids play in the sand and in the water.  The boys and Hannah made some new friends that were sitting nearby and all the kids had a great time together.  Charlie even got to play football with an older girl and a little boy his own age.  They were so cute!!

Charlie makes a new friend
Playing with new friends
Charlie gives Aunt Elisa a hug

Bob and Hannah

Very sandy boys


  Today I did more sitting down and watching than I did active playing with Will and Jon which felt a little strange.  It was good, they were playing with friends and they didn't need me, but I missed it. 

Charlie at the beach
Hanging out with Uncle Joe and Aunt Elisa

Talking to Uncle Joe

Will on the beach
Jon and Amber talk by the water

Jon throws rocks into the water
Charlie loves the water
Jon plays in the sand as we wait for fireworks



The fireworks were amazing!!  There was a bunch of new fireworks and it was a really good show.  Unfortunately the kids weren't as excited.  Will asked why we were seeing fireworks again and said that he wanted "to be home in my own bed".  Charlie shouted "Yay" and clapped excitedly for the first few minutes and then spent the rest of the time moving around from person to person.  But I thought it was a great show and I am so glad we came.

Short Sands Fireworks

Fireworks on the beach

2012 Short Sands show

 All the boys were asleep long before we got home and now it is time for me to sleep as well.  I hope you all had as much fun celebrating the 4th of July as we did. 

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