May 5, 2013

Free Comic Book Day 2013

  Today was one of our favorite days of the year... Free Comic Book Day!!  Will and Jon have been planning their costumes for months.  One of the best things about FCBD is that so many people dress up.  We saw some amazing costumes.  There was one little boy who was also dressed as Sonic and every time we ran into him he and Will would bond over their shared loved of the blue hedgehog.  It was really cute, both boys got so excited when they saw the other Sonic coming around the corner.

Ready to start the day

Captain America (Colin) meets Thor

Playing with Sonic
Dash, Robin, Captain America and Sonic
  We had arraigned to meet friends at Jetpack Comics, and even though we had arrived a half hour early, there was still a huge line.  We decided to save the line for last so once we met up with our friends we started out on the scavenger hunt.  On our second stop the boys got a Super Hero Squad comic and Will couldn't put it down.  We weren't ready to stop yet so he had to read and walk.  I was so proud.  :-)
Walking and reading
Will starts reading right away



Waiting in line

Colin as Captain America

Running into the other Sonic


I think most comic book stores just give out comics on FCBD but Jetpack organizes a town wide scavenger hunt with over twenty business participating.  Because of the speed of children, the lines and the looming need to nap, we've never been able to make it to every store.  We took our time and stopped to read, eat cupcakes (always a priority!), read and have lunch.
Stopping to read

Colin and Jon join him...

  We saw some cool costumes on our walk and we even ran into some friends at the local pet store.

Tiffany shows off her snake
Tiffany gets a hug
Crystal shows a big snake to the baby
Mario and Peach
Tie fighter!


    We spent about five hours at FCBD and by the time we got home we were tired and bit sunburned but our arms were full of cool comics.  After a short nap (the adults and toddler slept while Will and Jon read) we headed outside to relax in the cooling afternoon.  Of course the boys quickly claimed the hammock as a great place to read.

Will reading (notice a theme in his pictures today?)

Relaxing in the hammock

 We had such a great time at Free Comic Book Day, Jetpack really puts on a great event.  I can't wait to do it again next year!